Saturday 28 December 2013


Christmas is one of my favourite times of the year (of course!) This year I spent it with my boyfriend and his family and I have been well and truly spoilt. Here are a few pictures of my presents. I hope you've all had a great Christmas! X

Saturday 21 December 2013

#1 Purchases

I am a massive fan of the Kate Moss Matte Rimmel lipsticks, although these have been out for awhile, they are a great lower cost alternative from there pricey friends at MAC. The colour I'm wearing on these pictures is 107. I am obsessed this colour which can be taken through day to night. Here are also some outfits I've been wearing on nights out. I find it really hard dressing for a night out in Manchester in the freeeezing cold, nothing a beer coat won't fix though.

Friday 20 December 2013




The worlds worst blogger goes to me. Here's afew pictures of what i've been up to. Sams 21st birthday in Liverpool. Second year of university and my face. 

Thursday 7 November 2013

Winter Essentials

Winter is my favourite seasons for dressing, layering, big knits and black. If you know me well chances are i'll be in something black every time you see me. its classic and minimalistic, my two favourite things. I'm in desperate need of some knee high boots but the high street just isn't doing it for m, I'm trying to fill my wardrobe with classic pieces that can be taken into any season/year.

(P.s as you can see I've deleted a few posts. I wish I had my blogging head back but I don't want to post poor content that I'm not 100% happy with.)

Monday 5 August 2013

Travel: London

Beyond ridiculous how hot it was when me and Sam decided to take a day trip to London. Being a tourist definitely wasn't ideal in the 30 degree heat but it was a lovely day overall. The city is far too big to explore in our day but I picked up some lovely pieces from Victoria Secret.